Hire Hacker
Great hiring is vital to any organization... but the talent shortage seems to impact smaller employers even more than large. This podcast covers a proven approach for smaller HR teams & business owners to not just compete but to beat out the bigger employers in their industry & city. We will teach proven techniques to attract and select high-quality candidates for your job openings.
Hire Hacker
90 Days of Sourcing: Use Marketing Basics to Recruit Qualified Applicants
Ryan Kohler
Episode 4
It's time to shift the paradigm of unemployment. To survive, or better yet thrive, in a hyper-competitive job market, you have to focus on what you DO have control over and stop focusing on what you don't. What you do have control over is your ability to attract the people who are either currently working, or at least eager and willing to. You have the power to attract qualified applicants through creative thinking. Constantly change and adjust your methods. Observe how different sourcing methods and company changes impact your qualified applicant flow. Utilize the weapons that fit your strengths.